Are you like SO sick of me saying SORRY?
I am. But I am sorry as well. The little weekend away in Chicago totally threw off my schedule and sleep patterns...and well this week of all week's was insanity.
WHY?? I'll tell you WHY!!
My company launched it's pilot work wellness program. And guess who is on the board? Mmmm that's right me. It sounds hilarious to say I'm on a board and it's a program, because it all started when my work spouse, Stephanie, said "hey you know what...." and then the ball got rolling. We got our director on board, and another collegue and then we gave birth to: PRActical Wellness.
Get it? Because I work at PRA (which stands for pharmaceutical research associates).
The idea behind PRActical Wellness is a work based health initiative to encourage wellness at the workplace. We have coordinated on site exercise classes, healthy round tables, outside speakers, weekly/daily raffles, race sponsorship and sooo much more.
Thursday, after the whirlwind weeks of planning and scheduling, we kicked off. At noon, on Thursday Stephanie and I anxiously stood in our biggest conference room not knowing what to expect. Who would show up? Were people really interested? Is this going to work?
Slowly, people trickled in, enjoyed our healthy snacks, listened to our pitch and plan, and then asked us questions.
Yesterday, we offered primary health assessments. Stephanie and I weighed, measured, tested and assessed goals for everyone and anyone who was interested. At the end of the day, both of us were in just utter-overwhelming-pride-disbelief....THIS IS HAPPENING!
One of our first raffle winners!! |
Now with that said, PRActical Wellness is now going to be a big part of my life and want to share it on the blog, so watch out for Wellness Wednesdays!
Do you have a work wellness program?
What kind of health benefits does your employer offer-if any?
What kind of things would you LIKE your employer to offer?