Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Chest to the Sun


When I run in the am, I am hungry all day so that coupled with Weight Watchers which is essentially caloric restriction, I am really hungry.  Blugh.  At least tonight was sushi night with my love!

On the new WW plan, I only get 26 points...which is balls because I roughly eat a bajillion in one sitting.  Oh, that's why my jeans are tight? Ohhh ok. And it's weird trying to relearn the whole system again.  I was so successful on it in the past, that it kind of cheapens it now.  It's like retaking a CPR class when you were certified a few years ago, okay so yeah they have changed the number of compressions to breaths, but isn't it really generally the same: pump the heart-exhale in air, just like weight watchers: moderate your food and track it.  

Weight Watchers, you can finagle your point system all you want make chicken X points on this plan and Y points on that plan and then give me Z points on who's plan?  
Chicken is chicken, no matter how many points 
are attached and fat on my ass is fat on my ass no matter how many times I check the mirror. 

The point is this losing weight is hard, keeping up with plans is hard but I figure maybe if I pay for it....I will actually utilizing the tools they give me and make it work for me?  Misconception?  We will see I guess.

Goliath and I had a swell three miler this morning.  My Garmin is I think really dead this time.  So I just ran, and we both really enjoyed it.  Not just because we were running, but because we had the freedom and circumstance to....ahhh, thank you winter break.  

Now my shin splints are flarin'  so onto the next ouchie right?  It was REALLY cold,  my whole body was RED when I got home but so worth it.

Today's Food Not Pictured: Fage 0% yogurt, 2 clementines, Coffee, tuna with broccoli and rice and cheese, salad, crab rangoon,sushi, carrots

Today's Picture:

What time of day you prefer to run?
Have you ever returned to a eating-program after previously being successful?

This Post Brought to You By: "Good Feeling"-Flo Rida

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Want to Escape

Weather sucks.

Except if it rocks.

Think about it.

I really love running...but only outside. The dreadmill is literally the last place you will find me.  I would rather get a cavity filled, or eat cod liver or some other terrible task.  Honestly, if it came down to the final challenge on Fear Factor was to run on the treadmill for an hour, I would lose out on a large sum of money.

Unfortunately for me, according to my training timeline I should run at or about 3 miles today and it's freezing-sleeting rain.  Even Goliath doesn't want to be outside, so I did not have much of a choice.  30 minutes of the TM is probably my max.  I don't know what it is, I don't know what speed to run at, I don't like not being able to pace myself and the fact that if I want to speed up or slow down I have to press a button and then there's the whole lot of variables the gym throws in like: the millions of things overloading my senses like body odor, perfumes, muscles at every angle, millions of televisions, music.  

Running at the gym is just not my bag.  Running is my zen, it brings me inner peace and running there on a the TM gives me anxiety and phobias and probably a staph infection.

Anyway, I begrudgingly pumped out three miles at a whacko pace which turned out to be more like an interval work out.  Seriously, is the TM in kilometers or miles?  How fast am I going at 8.5? Why is it so hard to just put UNITS on the freaking thing?? seriously...come on...

I had a nice refreshing garden salad after and now here I am updating you on my loathing of the dreadmill.

Food Today Not Pictured:  Coffee, Greek yogurt with strawberries, grapes, grilled chicken breast on the bone, green bean casserole, brownie x 2, salad

Today's Picture Post Run:

Do you like the treadmill?  
How far can you run on it?
Do you like fudgy brownies or cakey brownies?

This Post Brought to You By: "Closer" -Ne-Yo

Monday, December 19, 2011

You Got it Girl, There You Go

Hello Friends!!!!!!

Ahhh I am so excited to have enough time to breath, think and even update this little thing I call a blog!

Let me just say the past two weeks have been INSANE. Between starting a new job and finals, the transition, training and studying I was totally swamped.

By the end of it, I was exhausted and my fridge looked like this my laundry looked like this...
...and I found myself looking a lot like this most days...

Anyway, finals are over and I am getting acclimated to my new schedule but not for long because next semester I switch to night classes. So I apologize ahead of time for the weird hours I will be keeping come January.

Here's a quick update on Goliath and I, and then we jump right back in where we left off:
-Goliath is officially three years old, but still a puppy and next week we celebrate our three years of familyhood
-My knee was officially diagnosed with a torn medial meniscus.  I was depressed at first, but really the diagnosis didn't change anything, the treatment regime is still the same and I am still allowed to run in moderation and under my Sports Team's supervision
-My new position at work ROCKS! I lurrrv it and we are in the works of kicking off our 2012 wellness program with a bang
-I joined Weight Watchers again.  I figured that if my running wasn't going to as regular as it has been due to my knee injury, I needed something to keep my accountable.  I seriously can't deal with the scale guilt, and I seriously can't allow myself to get back to where I was three years ago.
-My sister is back in town!! WEEEE!!! Shannigans!!

So that's about it on my end, and now I leave you with pictures from yesterday's amazing run:
...and don't worry guys, I bought groceries and did my laundry.

How are you!?!?
Tell me three things about the last two weeks!
What's your favorite running setting: streets, treadmill, trail, other?

The Post Brought to You By: "Make Me Proud"-Drake feat. Nicki Minaj

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Geewleuh is alive. eye tink.

she haz dese big tests, eye tink.

she sez hi.