Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle

I literally can feel my muscles atrophying.

I want to run so bad, but unfortunately my knee is hurting more than ever?  Weird.  I go back to the Sports Medicine Team tomorrow and hopefully my orthotics come in soon.

I had the definition of a lazy Sunday today, which started off the best way possible:
Coffee and bagels.

Cinamon crunch bagel to be exact.

Then I THOUGHT about going to a spin class, but remember that spin is out of the question now too according to my primary care.  Someone remind me to ask my new team about what exercise I can and shouldn't do, mmk?

After all that exhausting thinking, I watched the chiefs lose, played with my dog, painted my nails, watched Heroes, finished my laundry and did other various things until my in-laws left :(

I had Sunday dinner with my fam fam, burgers.  Always. Good.  My Uncle Leo is literally the best chef ever, he created the foodie in me.  My mom brought over ground chuck and potatoes, and he turned it into an extremely epic meal.

Of course followed with ice cream topped with TJs chocolate sprinkle grinder.  Try it!

This coming week is going to be good.  I can feel it.  I am hoping I can get some good sweat in and start taking control of this injury thing.

How was your weekend?
Do you have any foodie family members?
What is your favorite Trader Joe's food product?

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