Goliath had a good weekend though, he worked out like nuts as usual and his calorie intake was a minimum as usual. Like we do most weekends we ventured to the dog park, the weather dictated that we do so. I think the weather dictated that every dog owner in Overland Park do so because the park was full. The people to dog ratio was a little off, it seemed like pooches brought their entire families.
The DP is the best when it's full, Goliath darts from one end to another finding new friends and periodically checking in on us. We come so often that he's recognized, one of the last times we came someone walked in and said "Oh Goliath's here!" as their dog ran off to greet him. There are few dogs that can match his energy and endurance, but the few that can have very thankful owners. The beautiful bevy of breeds was fun, Logan and I like to stand and guess the mixes and comment on all the different varieties, Oh babe, check out that alpha blue bull dog!

Duncan, a Bichon-miniature Schnauzer mix. He's one of the seven dogs our friend's Blake and Danee have, and also happens to be my number one. He loves laps, and standing in the water bowl.

This is Ellie, a retired racing Greyhound. She's also one of Blake&Danee's. Ellmillionaire likes to give you nose kisses, and walks at my sprinting pace.

These little Yorkies were having a wittle too much fun...the one with the bow is Lili, remember Sarai from last week? Lili is Sarai's little sister. The guy giving her, a uh-hug, was a three year old male, named Tyson. BUT it was love at first sight, when his mom tried to separate them he ran the acre across the park to find Lilly.

This little guy loved Danee(mom to Duncan and Ellie). He wanted to be held and oversee the dog park with her. He lives in a house with a Great Dane that is over 100 pounds.
Here are some highlights from Sunday's visit:
Duncan, a Bichon-miniature Schnauzer mix. He's one of the seven dogs our friend's Blake and Danee have, and also happens to be my number one. He loves laps, and standing in the water bowl.
This is Ellie, a retired racing Greyhound. She's also one of Blake&Danee's. Ellmillionaire likes to give you nose kisses, and walks at my sprinting pace.
These little Yorkies were having a wittle too much fun...the one with the bow is Lili, remember Sarai from last week? Lili is Sarai's little sister. The guy giving her, a uh-hug, was a three year old male, named Tyson. BUT it was love at first sight, when his mom tried to separate them he ran the acre across the park to find Lilly.
This little guy loved Danee(mom to Duncan and Ellie). He wanted to be held and oversee the dog park with her. He lives in a house with a Great Dane that is over 100 pounds.
Oliver, the Pugle (Beagle+Pug) fell head over paws for Ellie. Seriously. He LOVED her. Ellie played a little hard to get, and totally not interested but we think she kinda liked him too.

This is Scout the Siberian Husky. Scout plays with Goliath frequently in the winter months, they both love the snow and to run in it.
This is Scout the Siberian Husky. Scout plays with Goliath frequently in the winter months, they both love the snow and to run in it.
Now that we aren't the only family at the dog park, you can plan on seeing more posts like these-so I hope you like dogs.
Dog park aside, when the reality of what happened this weekend, nominally my binge eating, finally hit me I felt pretty low. Breakfast came around and I still was not ready to correct my diet, I wanted junk. Sugar and Butter. So I put a little in my oatmeal, and begrudgingly put one foot in front of another. I intended to run six miles, just an easy six-but at two and half miles my Nike+ ended my work out unexpectedly. So I restarted it for the 5k distance, and had this major energy surge-like out of no where? It was kind of awesome considering those first two miles I seriously thought I was going to vomit from all the unfriendly running foods I inhaled.
The 5k turned out to be my fastest 5k ever. My race PR is 27:11, and it wasn't a chipped timed race so I'll never know how accurate that is. Today, I ran five whole kilometers in just over twenty five minutes. TWENTY FIVE MINUTES. Excuse me while I toot my own horn, but I did that after running two and half miles. Take that weekend binge eating! Goliath and I laid down on the trail after that, the cold ground felt delicious.

Like the brace? I owe my miles to Megan C.
Dog park aside, when the reality of what happened this weekend, nominally my binge eating, finally hit me I felt pretty low. Breakfast came around and I still was not ready to correct my diet, I wanted junk. Sugar and Butter. So I put a little in my oatmeal, and begrudgingly put one foot in front of another. I intended to run six miles, just an easy six-but at two and half miles my Nike+ ended my work out unexpectedly. So I restarted it for the 5k distance, and had this major energy surge-like out of no where? It was kind of awesome considering those first two miles I seriously thought I was going to vomit from all the unfriendly running foods I inhaled.
The 5k turned out to be my fastest 5k ever. My race PR is 27:11, and it wasn't a chipped timed race so I'll never know how accurate that is. Today, I ran five whole kilometers in just over twenty five minutes. TWENTY FIVE MINUTES. Excuse me while I toot my own horn, but I did that after running two and half miles. Take that weekend binge eating! Goliath and I laid down on the trail after that, the cold ground felt delicious.
Like the brace? I owe my miles to Megan C.
Today's Mileage: 6.1 (5k+3 miles)
Total Time: 55:45
Total Time: 55:45
WHOO HOO! Love the doggie pics. So Happy you got out there and ran. I hope this gave you the confidence boost you needed. Congrats on your PR time! I only can dream of a time like that.
Kudo's to you dear.
We will have to take Barnaby to the park! Maybe Goliath will make him not so scared!!
i'm glad you got the energy surge. Was it enough to kick your diet back on track?
Love the doggie introductions, btw!
Great PR time!! Good for you for getting that surge of energy and continuing on your run.
We all have those "high cal" days where we justify it by saying "I needed this." But then we all feel like disappointments to ourselves. All you can do is pick yourself back up and keep going.
Also, LOVE the dog pictures. I didn't know if there was a dog park in Springfield and I googled it after reading this to find there is one! I plan on taking my little Caesar out there to run and play.
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