I'm well aware that I've been sleep deprived, not properly fueling, just got new shoes-oh and haven't really been training....but what the heck? I had the day off, so I figured I had all day to get in sixteen miles and I told myself that I'd get every inch in even if it took six hours. Well, I did get quite a few inches in...just not 1,013,760 inches.
Goliath and I ran three miles out, and I could tell he was pretty tired. After a long weekend of running and the dog park, I figured he could sit this one out. So I ran him back home, and by the last half mile I was leading him. I dropped him off, and with ten more miles to run I turned right back around and ran the same course.
This bush now property of Goliath
By that same three mile mark, I was spent. Like WAY done. I was ready to collapse, and my legs felt like monoliths. By this time, I had completely dried up. My body had stopped sweating so long ago, that my clothes had time to dry. Not a good sign. Just a short time earlier, I was standing in my living room soaked in sweat. Generally, this is the first sign of dehydration. Apparently, all the water along the way wasn't enough. I did a jog/walk/crawl combo home. This was a wall I needed to hit, so I can learn from it.
Way back when I played softball in grade school, I became seriously dehydrated after a tournament and spent the next two days vomiting my brains out. Therefore, dehydration scares the patootie outta yours truly. I drink water like I get paid by the ounce, and so for me to experience this was slightly confusing. Until it was brought to my attention that a) it was hot, and I needed to be drinking twice as much as I'm use to and b) I also need to be replenishing electrolytes. The conclusion? Invest in either salt packets, more GU (which I run with on the reg) and some gatorade.
The rest of the day was spent in self loathing and disappointment so naturally I took my main-man to his favorite store to splurge. Goliath loves retail therapy. He prefers the treats at PetSmart but we went to PetCo, because I had a coupon. This dog has made me world's biggest sucker. My theory is this: he's only with me for such a short period of time and he's absolutely changed my life, and made me the happiest person-so why shouldn't I give him everything in my power to give him a plushy-treat-toy-filled life? I AM that crazy lady who talks to her dog, and let's him pick out his toys, even if I know he'll destroy in in 0.5 seconds. Hey, it might be $20 but he'll get solid minute or two of disemboweling joy and to me that joy is absolutely priceless.
What has been your biggest mistake during training, and how have you gotten over it mentally?
Total Mileage: 12.0
Time: 2:17.23
oh my... I'm sorry about your long run. I had a run like 3 weekends ago, my 18. I knew before I even started running that I just didn't feel right. but I went anyways, ran/walked/jogged through 9, started bawling to my mom how i just didn't feel good and walked the 2 most miserable miles home to her house. spent the rest of the weekend trying to figure out how i was gonna make up the run, then got horribly sick sunday night. so... moral of the story is... sometimes our bodies win out, no matter what our head & heart wanna run. Somedays, you just gotta rest. your next run will be better!
Hey don't beat yourself up! Running 12 miles when your longest had been 6 is pretty darn awesome!
I had a run like that today. I did 14.5 and ran out of water way too early. I wanted to crawl or hitch hike home instead I ran/walked it the last couple miles. It was ugly 11 minute/miles! We all have runs like these. oh well, we still burned lots of calories even if it was not a pretty sight!
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