Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm Ready, Let's Go

This just in: I reinstated Ten Mile Tuesday.

Why? Because I wanna.

Tuesday, I had the day off from work and so I leisurely work up, drank coffee, had breakfast and took Goliath out on the trail. As of late, running means scheduling in mileage and making sure I have enough time to get the miles in-which means pressure and stress to get the miles done. Sometimes pressure is good, but stress isn't. I don't like have exactly an hour to get a solid six miles in, it stresses me out. If something goes wrong, a cramp or a spill I'm screwed and may run the risk of being late for work. Not on Tuesday, we hit the trail with no goal.

I love these tights, new favorite.

I immediately could tell I felt amazing. Nothing hurt. It was phenomenal. A mile in, I decided we were going to push a full ten-and we did. It was absolutely ideal. Goliath really was loving it. It got to this point where I hadn't look at my Garmin for a while and when I finally did I was 4.67 miles in. Saaaayyyywhooo? I haven't had a run like this in a long, long, long time. Getting that mileage down made me feel super accomplished.

This is a little spot on the trail, that the photograph doesn't do any justice. The picture looks warped but it's a steep slope followed by a steep hill. It's totally brutal in the winter, but on Tuesday Goliath and I went half way down, took a left and explored around it.

I want to live in these homes, how lucky they are to live right on the trail.

There really are no words to adequately describe how perfect this run was, so I'll just leave it at that. We finished ten miles, and collapsed on the couch. I'm so excited about the weather right now too, fall is beautiful. During the fall, everyone is a runner.

So there that is: Ten Mile Tuesday

In other news, Goliath's Gang is looking pretty awesome! I got a lot of families added the other night, and I'm still working on it, so take a look-and make sure you email us your story.

Total Mileage: 10:03
Time: 1:30:14


ash & diz said...

ohh... i'm jealous of your 10-miler. I've been restricted to a treadmill for the last 2 weeks and I'm just DYING for an outside (long) run!

HOORAY for a good run! :)

Becky said...

The trail you run on looks awesome. I wish there was a trail like that where we lived. Our trails are surrounded by apartments and people use them to walk to the gas station and buy beer - kids also vandalize it.... It's not ideal....

Great job on the 10 miles! You are as always, an inspiration!

Those tights look awesome too!

Jana from Running Vegetarian said...

Your awesome fall is the start of our cold winter here in Minnesota. :(

We got over 10 inches of snow this past Saturday. :(

Good job on your long run!

Anonymous said...

That trail looks so much fun! Way to go on completing your mileage. I know exactly how you feel to get in your mileage within a time frame. It's hard to schedule out a few hours for a solid run.