10:45 PM: Update the Blog!
10:00: Get out of the shower to find your exhausted dog laying on top of your clean laundry and in your bed. Finish folding laundry around sleepy dog.
9:15: Shop at walmart with the wondermous Stephanie. Purchase abnormal amounts of produce. Wait in ridiculously long check out lanes. Bask in our post-run odor.
8:00: Meet Stephanie at Streamway Park to run in the sticky nasty heat and humidity. Serrriously sweatage going on for roughly 3.5 miles. Shorted myself on my long run because of being out of town.
7:45: Start folding laundry.
6:30: Start reading Cicero, finish analytic of Cicero due in class tomorrow.
5:30: Arrive back in KC!! GET ME OUT OF THE CAR! Unpack, clean up the house.
2:30: Leave Wichita, KS en route to KC. Max on a foot long sub from Mr. Goodscents and sleep the entire way home.
1:30: Laugh at sleepy doggies, they had soo much fun playing with each other this weekend.
12:30: Run to the mall, make important purchases.
8:00: Wake up, drink 2 cups of coffee, shoot the poop with Manda, eat some breakfast. Talk and talk and talk!
11:00 PM: Wake up on the couch, move myself into bed.
10:00: Pass out on the sofa watching Dark Knight with everyone.
8: 00: Back yard shenanigans! Fly Fishing lessons, Hanging with the dogs and the ultimate slip and slide!
7:00: FEAST! Total chow down on amazing burgers, ate a whole bag of fries and lush watermelon. Amazing!!
6:00: Be LAZY and watch while Manda does all the cooking....
5:00: Shopping out at Derby, got amazing deals one running tops( follow up post to come). Ran into amazing adorable 11 week old pug.
2:00: Pedicures! I know I said I wouldn't get one until I was 140, but whatever. I needed it...and it's gonna be a while. We had to go to three places before we found one that was agreeable to our needs...which was immediate! Manda and I always get a pedi together, it's our thang. This was seriously the best one I have had in forever!
11:00: Logan wakes up, feed him B&G
10:00: Come home, make killer breakfast. Biscuits and Gravy, hear tattack good.
9:00: Grocery shop for the weekend!
8:00: Run 5k with Manda, not a race but just around the park. Humid morning, really kicked our butts.
7:00: Wake up to the smell of coffee...
10:00 PM: SLEEP!
7:00: Arrive in Wichita, hang out with Logan's family. Eat waaaay too much Chinese food.
4:30: Leave for KC en route to Wichita, KS. Drive the whole way and have major jam sessions to Wiz Khalifa. Stop at the coolest rest stop for Goliath.
3:30: Leave work.