Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beatin' Like a Drum

Ok, day three no working out.  Good news is: I haven't gained a metric ton.  I just feel icky and without energy.  I went to bed pretty early last night after party pooping at a friends house, and slept alllll the way until 7am. Wow.  That's huge for me.  Maybe sleeping in and not working out this morning is something my body needed?  Sleep is just as important as the dieting, the exercising, etc.

Did I mention I totally party pooped last night?  I will own up to it.  We went over to our good friend's house: Stevesters and JoJoJordan.  Is it weird that I refuse to call people by their real name?  Nicknames are wins!  Stevearoni had prepared us an italian feast, and I was ready to park my chair at the spread.  She whipped up some fettucini, yummy italian soup (which I asked the name of like 5 times...and can't remember), salad and garlic bread.  A carb loaders dream!

So after I inhaled the best dinner ever known to man, we went to their game cave for some serious playstation time.  I of course, mainly socialized with their boxer, Hurley, who is in a love-hate relationship with Goliath.  They have a playstation move and so we played with that for a while, I insisted on playing volleyball.  It was awkward and even though I am real life volleyball player I honestly could not figure out the timing in e-volleyball.  So weird!  I took things to the next level on rock band and played on medium, watch out Rolling Stones.


This picture killed us, look at him crossing his legs!
 Why yes I do wear my running gear to hang out...and all the time.  Get over it!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oh, It Be Like

What's that on the horizon? More Frozen Yogurt?!

Yogurtime: Kid Tested, Mom Approved!

T-Bomb hates froyo. lamesauce.


OK so I went to Yogurtime again, I may or may not be obsessed and I may or may not be already planning on my next visit.

I haven't had much time for my training this week, take a guess why? Work and class.  To be fair, I did have a midterm this week.  I took that today, phew.  I am really looking forward to not having class tomorrow, and being able to sleep in....right? WRONG.  I need to get my rear up before the sun to run.

I haven't worked out since Monday's volleyball, and I legit feel like I have gained 20 gazillion pounds.  The exercise guilt monster is pretty brutal.  Whatevvs though, I know it was just a temporary set back.  I'm not injured or anything, I just need to fall back into my routine-which contrary to popular belief CAN be just as easy as falling out of it.

Something I am really struggling with is falling in love with lifting.  It is something I know I have to do,but my committeemen to it is so frail. The main reason is because I only lift on random days, I don't follow any plan and essentially have no solid idea what the frick I am doing.  The only toning program I have followed through with was Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and I really did like the results.  Maybe I should do that again? Yay or nay?  Goliath sure did enjoy me doing jumping jacks in the living room.

I am off to go max on some major pasta at my friends casa!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dream So Long

Sorry about No-Post-Monday!!  I guess I was so overwhelmed with the weekend whirlwind, that I did not have much to write about yesterday!

Anywhoo, Monday was a busy day for me.  Class, Work and then the highlight of my week: Sand Volleyball.  I seriously look forward to this all day.  Unfortunately, I woke up yesterday morning without electricity.  We had another round of total brutal storms that knocked out the power in my whole neighborhood.  It's always fun getting ready in complete darkness.

So remember how I said I went grocery shopping on Sunday night?  What a twist of irony right?  Instead of me putting off buying food, like normal, I ambitiously bought food only for it to spoil in the fridge while we went without power for 20 hours. AWESOME!!

Needless to say, I was kinda bummin on my way home from work....until I saw that YOGURTIME OPENED!!! FINALLLLLYYYYY FROZEEEN YOGURTTTT THAT I CAN SLEEP WALK TO!


I totally freaked out.  There was no time for to go before volleyball, so I called Logan immediately and said "Yogurtime is open, we got at 9-be ready."   I had been watching the store front for months for signs and symptoms of their pending opening.  Yesterday, I finally got to diagnose it. 

The second my games ended, I bolted and picked up Logan.  Even though he knew my intentions I still had to beg him to go, he was pretty comfy tucked in at home.  I would have made us walk, but it was hard enough getting him to join me.  I didn't even shower any of the sand off me. 

Yogurtime is fabulous!  Great selection!  Unlike all the other area froyo places that have ice-cream-like flavors ala cake batter, german chocolate, etc.  They actually had tart and GREEN TEA.  I may or may not have freaked out.  So delicious.  I topped it with coconut and strawberries.  The girl at the counter said I was the first person to get that flavor all day and they were considering removing it. I informed her if the removed it, I may never ever come back....which is a bold face lie.

Logan ended up not liking his selection so I got TWO tubs of yogurt. WIN!  It was sooooo good you guys! I am so exited to have frozen yogurt back in my life, let alone one I can walk to.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekend Rewind!

10:45 PM: Update the Blog!

10:00: Get out of the shower to find your exhausted dog laying on top of your clean laundry and in your bed.  Finish folding laundry around sleepy dog.

9:15: Shop at walmart with the wondermous Stephanie.  Purchase abnormal amounts of produce.  Wait in ridiculously long check out lanes.  Bask in our post-run odor.

8:00:  Meet Stephanie at Streamway Park to run in the sticky nasty heat and humidity.  Serrriously sweatage going on for roughly 3.5 miles.  Shorted myself on my long run because of  being out of town.

7:45: Start folding laundry.

6:30: Start reading Cicero, finish analytic of Cicero due in class tomorrow.  

5:30: Arrive back in KC!! GET ME OUT OF THE CAR! Unpack, clean up the house.

2:30: Leave Wichita, KS en route to KC.  Max on a foot long sub from Mr. Goodscents and sleep the entire way home.

1:30: Laugh at sleepy doggies, they had soo much fun playing with each other this weekend.

12:30: Run to the mall, make important purchases.

8:00: Wake up, drink 2 cups of coffee, shoot the poop with Manda, eat some breakfast.  Talk and talk and talk!


11:00 PM: Wake up on the couch, move myself into bed.

10:00: Pass out on the sofa watching Dark Knight with everyone.

8: 00: Back yard shenanigans! Fly Fishing lessons, Hanging with the dogs and the ultimate slip and slide!

7:00: FEAST!  Total chow down on amazing burgers, ate a whole bag of fries and lush watermelon. Amazing!!

6:00: Be LAZY and watch while Manda does all the cooking....

5:00: Shopping out at Derby, got amazing deals one running tops( follow up post to come). Ran into amazing adorable 11 week old pug.

2:00: Pedicures! I know I said I wouldn't get one until I was 140, but whatever. I needed it...and it's gonna be a while.  We had to go to three places before we found one that was agreeable to our needs...which was immediate!  Manda and I always get a pedi together, it's our thang.  This was seriously the best one I have had in forever!

 11:00: Logan wakes up, feed him B&G

10:00: Come home, make killer breakfast. Biscuits and Gravy, hear tattack good.

9:00:  Grocery shop for the weekend!

8:00: Run 5k with Manda, not a race but just around the park.  Humid morning, really kicked our butts.

7:00: Wake up to the smell of coffee...


10:00 PM: SLEEP!

7:00: Arrive in Wichita, hang out with Logan's family.  Eat waaaay too much Chinese food.

4:30: Leave for KC en route to Wichita, KS.  Drive the whole way and have major jam sessions to Wiz Khalifa. Stop at the coolest rest stop for Goliath.

3:30: Leave work.


W/E Menu 6.26.11

Week of June 20-June 26th
Coffee, almond
and flax seed
granola bar
Edamame, Apple
with peanut butter,
0% raspberry
greek yogurt
Chicken Fajitas
Kashi bar
Triple, non fat,
carmel latte,
0% pomegrante
greek yogurt
Fajita leftovers,
chicken, green
peppers, onions
4 slices of
medium pizza,
with ranch
dressing and
banana peppers
Coffee, Oatmeal
Broiled turmeric
chicken, baby lettuce
salad, with sun dried
tomato dressing
Grilled Italian sausage,
mustard, salad
with onions, tomato
and spinach
Coffee, Oatmeal with

Broiled turmeric
chicken, baby lettuce
salad, with sun dried
tomato dressing
800 calories worth
of cookies,
chips and salsa, poor
choices and poor
Coffee, Oatmeal with
tons of raspberries

Turkey italian sausage,
tortilla chips,
hot salsa
Chinese food, 2 egg
rolls, 1 crab rangoon,
kung pow chicken,
salad with ranch
dressing, fortune
Apple, Protein
Plus Power bar,
grapes, tons of
Coffee, 4 Biscuits,
Sausage gravy,
grape jelly
Power Plus Protein
Bar, Vanilla
(skipped, late breakfast
& early dinner)
Juicy Lucy burgers,
chipotle fries,
deviled eggs,
Again, tons of
Egg and sausage
casserole, biscuit
foot long sub, turkey
pepper jack on wheat
with lettuce, tomato,
banana pepers, olives;
jalapeno chips
Root beer

BBQ Chips

Friday, June 24, 2011

Video Viernes: 5 Reasons Why Goliath is My DogMate

This one is much longer than the last, sorry for being long winded!

...and if you watched the whole thing you're my new beth frand

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Big Ole' Muddy River

Today, I don't really know what to say.

Overwhelmed.  That's all I can say. 

It's recently dawned on me that I have assumed way to many responsibilities, commitments, extra curriculars and things of the ilk  My motives are so good, so genuine.  I just can't keep up.  I can't keep up with school, and work and my family and my friends and the boards and the charities and all the training and and...
wah wah wah

Yesterday, was just one of those days where everything was wrong and I was negative.  I found myself crying in my office.  My eyes had been brimming with tears most of the day, but the levees finally gave way around noonish.

I didn't want to do anything.  I did not want to eat healthy foods, I want a burger.  I did not want to run, I want to sleep.  I did not want to do my homework, I want to eat.  I forced myself to do all the things I knew I should do, but had no desire.
sleepy dog head

People always say that when you do the things you don't want to do, you will always feel better about doing them.  In a way, I guess people are right.

Training had me running 5 miles, and after the day I had I seriously could barely lace my sneakers.  Anyway, I convinced myself that a run was what I needed.  That running always makes me feel better.  That a nice long run would empower me, give my self-confidence back, take the yips away.

I was wrong.  Sometimes running isn't a cure all.  Sometimes the solutions to your problems won't appear to you by mile three.  In fact, my mind was so preoccupied that I could barely focus, worries from work muddled my mind and I'd feel myself slowing down.  I ended up running 5 in 48, which isn't too bad.

So no, running didn't make my poopie day better.  But when you are going for broke, at the very least I can say I ran.  So it does count for something.

Sorry about the uber-downer post ya'll, but rainbows after ran ya know?


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Same Imaginary Place

check out the tree that fell down in our back yard during this weekend's storm.
Crazy right?? We are pretty fortunate it wasn't on our roof.
short post, I am tired.
I ran 3 miles at 5am and swam 750 yard at 5pm.

I am posting from my phone, technology is crazy.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Must Be Doing Something Right

Guess what lovies?!  It's my wedding anniversary to the Mr. Man.  THREE WHOLE YEARS! Amazing someone would want to put up with me that long, let alone share a bed and smell my toots at night, am I right?! So happy anniversary to us, we celebrated this weekend and will continue to do so throughout the week.  Because we are party-ers like that, you know.

But before we started out celebration, I took my furry beth frand on a long run.  I am officially going to start following a training plan again, and get my balls back.  So, you will start seeing my long run posts again.  This was going to be my pre-long run, or the PRLRBJGHBB (the pre-long run before julia gets her balls back). By "balls back" I mean the courage to attempt another marathon, since my ego took a major hit in October.

So anyway, tangent, we went to run before we started our anniversary fun.  I decided to go to the old trail since it's better for runs over four miles.  I was met with the most frustrating deluge of traffic due to road construction and it put my about 20 minutes behind schedule.  Those 20 minutes really messed me up.  First of all, I became irrationally angry with traffic.  Second, I knew this would throw off my hydrating schedule since I gulped water before I left.  Third, ARDESJDNG EFFING TRAFFIC!!!

I had a REALLY hard time getting him out the water

Whatever, we got there.  I was determined to have a positive run.  I told myself in the car, I wanted to just destroy this.  I wanted to be exhausted.  However, that 20 minute difference put is at the hottest point of the day and I kinda started to feel bad keeping G out in the heat that long.  We did 5:1, which turned out pretty well.  I was able to keep my stamina up a lot longer, I didn't feel the normal fatigue that I do in my back mileage.  We stopped frequently to allow for Goliath to cool off in the stream and drink up. I hate to admit but one of the stops was for me, due to those 20 minutes I had to pee like 1 mile into the run.  I was able to ignore until mile 5, I HAD to go.  So I became one with nature, and peed in the woods. This in turn Judge me, I dare you. 

As a reward for the run, I let Goliath play in the fountain.  My reward, however, was watching some amateur LARPers go into battle. I would go into great depth of this hilarity that ensued, but trust me when I tell you these guys were amateurs.  There is a group of people who LARP at a local park, in full costume and they have well developed characters and weaponry.  But these kids, on this day kinda showed up to a park in jeans with things that didn't even resemble weapons.  One kid even had a bouncy ball. You must click that if you don't know what I am saying. Come on, dudes.  Like go big or go home right?  If you're gonna LARP do it correctly, am I right?  Maybe they were practicing? To be fair, one guy did have a tail on and another girl kept saying she was a fairy. My favorite part was when they finally were going to start battle, they all stood in pairs in a swampy field until some rogue knight bellowed FIIIIGGGGHHHHTTT. Then.......nothing happened.  They all just continued to stand there, kinda just looking at each other.  Until finally Mr. Rogue Knight, came yelling out from behind a tree and smacked some kid upside the head with his bouncy ball.  DANGEROUS!