Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Chilling Like George Jones

I do not know what has gotten into my these days, but my blog has started to take a life of it's own.  It makes me a healthier, happier person but most of all I love being able to share my life with people.  I love being an open book, yea it makes me vulnerable at times but being this way keeps me honest, it keeps me in line and it keeps me me.

My sister makes fun of me these days because I'm constantly documenting things, but won't it be kinda cool when I am 80 and can look back at this?  I think so.  She may make fun of me but she sure does insist on taking pictures with me frequently, probably to leech celebrity off my blog.  She's using me to get famous!

Last night, we grilled out at my moms.  The Menu: Bison burgers on keiser buns, steak fries, grilled zucchini, salad and strawberry shortcake.  Can you say "droolfest"?  Bison is amazing, it's a naturally leaner meat compared to beef, that of course doesn't mean it's good for you-but perhaps a better alternative.  Bison definitely has a different taste, I wouldn't say it's gamey but it has an "earthy" taste.  Make sense?  We seasoned it with garlic and cajun spices, topped with cheddar and all the fixins.

You have to excuse my haggardness, I was sleepy.

Pre-Grill Zuchs.
What is a Bosky post without doggie pictures though??  Here's your daily fix, Goliath and my Uncles baby Gracie.  Gracers is a Blue Heeler, if you know anything of the breed it is likely that they are bred for cattle herding which also means energy.  Gracie though, not so much, she kinda hates my high-strung energetic dog and she's perfectly content laying in a pile of dirt watching my pup run around like an idiot. 

Hay thar Gracie!



mallory said...


ash & diz said...

Never had bison meat ... I'm kinda freaked out by the thought of anything other than beef or chicken. Lol. I'm a wuss.

And as far as me looking "good" at races... you obviously haven't seen me when i finish. I was a sweaty, nasty, grouchy biotch when i finished my 10k. Lol.

Glad you had a great weekend!

Malaya said...

I have no siblings. Momma always says it's because I was a horrible child. I scared her uterus shut.

Bison is deeeeeeeelicious! The fiance and I bought some (insanely expensive) bison steaks once, and they were amazing.

I love all dogs, but I love my Jack Russels the most. I may be biased, but they are seriously awesome little dogs.

Becky said...

Love the pics of you and your sis. :)

I have two brothers. One older, one younger. I'm the blasted middle child. Ha!

I have no tried either, but have heard they are delicious.

Favorites though: Shih-tzu (obviously), Australian Shepherd and Golden Retriever

Amanda said...

I have 2 brothers and 2 (half) sisters. Sadly I don't get along with either of my sisters.

I have not tried bison or buffalo but I am tempted to try bison. There is a new food cart that sells it by my work.

My fav breed is Yorkie. I have a mini Yorkie that is 2.6 lbs full grown and I love her to pieces.

Marysol said...

1. yes lots, im mexican
2. no but id love too, (btw what are we doing next week u and i??, could this perhaps include a bison burger or maybe burger hmmm hmmm??)
3. I love all dogs that are the p word. you know. you know...

Marysol said...

shizzzzz... i meant to say that *** arent the p word..
gosh dangit!!! i suck!!!!!!

Shell said...

I totally agree about blogging! It feels good getting some of my feelings out there, sharing my story, and keeps me accountable (in a good way) :)

Mrs. W said...

I personally LOVE.....

Em: "Julia. Why are you taking pictures of EVERYTHING"

You and Me..... "For the Blog"

Em: "Ohh for your 10 followers"

You:...... Actually it's 137 followers thanks

Em: Wow, that is a lot. Cool!

Oh how I love you and Em!! Oh and Jane toooo!!

Tell Em another Market trip before she leaves for school is needed! MMMKAY!!!!

Adie said...

Family is the greatest, isn't it?

I have one younger brother, whom I love very much (even when we're fighting, of course).

I've tried buffalo before, it's good! Lean, but still tasty.

Favorite dog would definitely be the Bearded Collie, which is the cute pup in my most recent blog posts :) He won't always be that fluffy, he'll eventually be a shaggy dog. Bred to herd sheep, he's full of energy and would probably love to play with Goliath!