Friday, July 08, 2011

Video Viernes: BIG NEWS!! BIG NEWS!!!

(BWAHAHAHAHA  youtube always picks GREAT thumbnails)



Anna S said...

Yay Julia!!!

You will definitely rock it.

Julia said...

Thanks Anna! I'm excited!

Sarah said...

Woo hoo! Excited for you! Youre going to kill it! :)

Jenn said...

Yay! You're going to be great :)

Jana from Running Vegetarian said...

Oh my gosh! yes yes YEEESS! I've been waiting for this! :) :) :) This made my day!

I do want to say though... that I am so glad you shared your first marathon experience with us. I thought about your marathon experience throughout my whole training and I told myself not to have expectations for my race. My HOPE was to finish my marathon in under 5 hours but in the end I told myself it didn't matter when I finished. I clocked in at 5 hours and 13 minutes and I was proud. Because of your story i told myself throughout my whole training. IT DID NOT MATTER how long it took. JUST THAT I FINISHED. What I am trying to say is that I may have been upset or sad with my end time had you not shared your story. Make sense? Gosh I hope so. haha

Julia said...

@Jana: That makes perfect sense and I can't tell you how much you telling me that means to me. Seriously, thank you. That's exactly why I post this blog. You are amazing, thank you!

KT Bee said...

I think you rock all the time!! You will have an awesome number 2! (ok so that sounded like I'm excited for you to poo, but you know what I meant!)

But for realz I am super excited that you decided to run again and I'll be cheering you on the whole way!

Julia said...

KT! Thanks girl for always being so supportive...even if it's cheering on a poop ;)