Monday, July 04, 2011

Weekend Rewind!

11:01 PM: Pass out in bed.

10:00: Drive home

7:30: Watch different versions on Alice in Wonderland, including the original and some weirdo Czech version made with real dead animals. It was super creepy.

7:00: Feast on deliciousness with friends.

3:30: Enter the grill master.  Prep baby back ribs, 12 1/4lb burgers and brats. 

3:00: Head to a friends for a BBQ and ping pong tournament

1:00: Worship God and what not.

11:30: Foam roll my fatigued bod

10:00: Thoroughly loathe world's worst swim, I wanted to vomit.  Could barely go 25 yards.  The pool smelled like puke and cologne, and like Olympic pro swimming next to me.

9:00: Arise from a glorious slumber. Yes, I got almost 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep, on top of a 3 hour nap. GLORY!


9:26 PM: Pass out into a deep deep slumber

8:00: Talk my friends into going to Yogurtime, slurp down green tea froyo

7:00: Out to eat with besties @ Thai Place.  Order a mint-cilantro beef salad, take one bite and have a weird hiccup allergic reaction.  Unable to eat another bite, my mouth blistered and everything.  I have ZERO food allergies, so what gives?  Mooched off Logan's, pad thai.

6:00 Wake up from epicnaptime

3:00: Insist on staying home to do chores, like laundry and clean while Logan went to visit friends.  Instead, had epicnaptime.

2:30: Venture to Costco.

2:00: Arrive at home, unpack all my goods.  Revel in my winnings and regale Logan about my auto-bravery and market tales.

Noon: Go for lunch at BK Burger Lounge, order garden chicken salad and inhale it.

10:00: Finally! The City Market!  We arrive and muggle through traffic.  Shop around and make purchases.  Definitely enjoyed people watching.  Invest in various veggies, spices and baked goods.


8:30: Find Megan.  Tell her to google "how to change a tire" and loosen lug nuts and begin to jack up her car.  Oogle at the GIANT hole she put in her tire, once it's revealed when the tire lifts off the ground.  Wrestle the flat off, and secure the doughnut on the car.  Drive her car back to my Mom's to make sure it wasn't a vehicle of death.

8:28: Get a call from Megan, "I just BLEW A TIRE!"

8:00: Arrive at mi madres, make some coffee and shoot the poop.  Wake up my sister.

7:15: Shower off the disgustingness from the run.

6:00: Meet Scootz for a planned 6 miler, cut run by 2 miles due to heat/humidity.  At 6am it was already 81 degrees, 77% humidity.  It was mis-town.  

5:30 AM: Jolt outta bed!


1:01: Force myself to sleep

11:59: Movie FINALLY ends! zomg! It was like a million years long.

9:15: Arrive at Drive-In to see Transformers 3 with my love, with the hopes this will cheer him up.

8:00: Purchase mega-treats for Drive-In: Twizzlers, Chex-Mix, Exploding gummy candy, and Mike n Ikes

7:00: Take Goliath on a walk up to Yogurtime to meet our friends RyRy and SofSof, they are training for KC Half Marathon, go them!! It was wicked hott, but we walked anyway.  Goliath and I both got froyo.

5:00: Farted around on the interwebs while Logan tinkered with the Acura.

4:00: Arrived home, embraced Logan and had a heart to heart about the situation.  It's gonna be ok.

3:00: Got word at work we can leave early!

1:00: Got a call from Logan: "....I was laid off today..."



Mrs. W said...

Hahaha! What would I do without you in my life!!

True friends jump with excitement when 2 weeks before my wedding I ask her to be in the wedding, when I call saying "uhh I have a flat tire" you arrive and change it! Your like my own personal AAA! Score!

Becky said...

Just caught up on some of your blog. So sorry about Logan.
