Monday, July 25, 2011

Weekend Rewind!

Midnight: Type out blog post, forget to post it.

11:00: Begrudginly head home, did not want to leave but forced myself due to my tiredness

8:00:  Head over to Rebecca and Isaac's for pizza, and movies.  Eat too much pizza drenched in ranch.

6:00: Play volleybal with friends and family in the scorching heat.

4:30: Run trails at Shawnee Mission Park with Goliath and seester Emily. Get kind of looped around on the trials, garmin is not function not sure of distance or splits. Really fun and slightly dangerous work out.  Incredibly hot and humid.

3:00 PM: Get off Work


Midnight: Make my way into bed.

6:30: Mosy over to our friends Nathan and Kristina's, scarf down giant spicy burgers.  Construct giant 30 foot slip-b-slide in their backyard.  Fly at top speed down hill, get incredible cuts and bruises, but have a hilarious time.

4:30: Wake up from epicnaptime

2:00: Start epicnaptime

11:00: Watch the Adjustment Burea with Logan

10:20: Head down to KU Med Center to do functional tests to start a Barefoot Running Clinical trial with the Orthopedic department

9:30 AM: Wake up!


10:00 PM: Pass out after 16 hour work day

9:30: Get off work

8:00: Pass the time at work with animal foods



Holly @ The Runny Egg said...

I so want epicnaptime right now. That sounds good to me.

Becky said...

Mmmm, gummi bears.