A girl can only take so much ya know? I went to the doctor.
My appointment was at 2:45...
"What's wrong with you?"
"Drug allergies?"
"Stop by on you way home, feel better kiddo."
Out by 2:47. love it.
So Keflex for 10 days. Yay. I hope I start feeling better soon, especially since Chicago half is next weekend.
I have been resting since my appointment, imagine how hard that is for me. Dinner was simple: spicy sweet potato fries and pork tenderloin.
Next to spicy food, ice cream always makes me feel better. Logan brought me home Carmel cup sundae. I ate...maybe...half?
Two days no exercise is making me crazy. How should I cope?
Do you hate going to the doctor?
Do you have any upcoming races?
What is your comfort food?
I don't mind the doctor -- I've been seeing the same one for almost 20 years so I'm comfortable with her and she's always given me good advice.
I'm glad you got some drugs -- now feel better!
The next race I have is a 10 mile race in Oct. I can't wait!
I hate going to the doctor. I think they are pointless and usually take way too much time.
No races coming up anytime soon but I did register for the 2012 Warrior Dash.
I love me some tater tots.
definitely definitely hate going to the doctor. its like i dont trust them or something?? or am just afraid of the truth!?! i hope you feel better friend! love comfort food...especially ice cream! and those fries look amazing!
I don't mind going to the doctor... i just hate paying my co-pay. lol. I just saw my sports med dr the other day... $50 copay for 10 minutes with the Dr. $5/minute. WTF?
I'm running St George Marathon on October 1st!
Comfort food?? fro-yo or a big ass Diet Coke from Sonic or a yummy latte.
I hate going to the doctor because there's not any good ones here and i've searched and no go. Right now I'm trying self medicate myself and it's slowly going away.
I've actually put running on the back burner for now so no races in the future for this girl.
Comfort food- that will be candy, any candy will do for me. not so much chocolates anymore.
You're lucky the doctor was so fast! I show up and my doctor is always 30-45 minutes behind. So even though I'll personally be in-and-out I have to wait!
I dislike going to the Dr. But I do trust their presciption pad, so that part I look forward to. SO SORRY YOUR SICK BABY GIRL. I have the Tiger Trot on 9/11 - just 5K. Then the Race for the Cure with you on the 24th. So this month will be good! COMFORT FOOD: Has always been Peanut Butter and Apple Jelly Sandwich on Toast. But since I am on the low carb I cant have it. SOB
I don't mind going to the doctor, but I don't go unless I know I'm sick. I hate going for the flu and having them tell me that I need to rest and take fluids. I have a LOT of peeps that I work with come down with sinusitis in the past couple of weeks - seems to be spreading like wild fire in conjunction with all the allergens this summer.
As far as races, I'm not sure my knee is going to be up to the half in October at this point. Still hoping, but the 2.5 miles I attempted today didn't go well at all. Makes me long for some Shakespeare's Pizza.
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