Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chilling on a Dirt Road

Bust a movie!

All day today I looked forward to my run. All day I thought about how far I was gonna go, where I was gonna run and what I wanted to accomplish. But on my way home from work I still hadn't decided what I wanted to tackle, I guess that is what happens when you love all your possible options.

I finally opted to take the pup to Shawnee Mission Park for some brutal trail runs.

The goal was to run the length of the trail and back, for a total of six miles. Unfortunately, the trail was muddy and unclear what was the set trail and what was some beaten path by bikers. Goliath is an excellent tracker, but even he got a little confused. We ended up just running until we felt like we had explored all possible options. It definitely was not six miles, we were probably only out there for 40-45 minutes. I debated doing some hills, but I decided to eat instead.

The clock is ticking on my produce, but today I scarfed down: the remainder of my cherries,half of the giant zucchini, the remaining onion, and 6 tomatoes. Tonight, I diced up a ton of 'maters and the onion to make a marvelous pasta sauce.

What's left?
Left in my fridge:
-a pound of cherries
-2 granny smith apples
-1 nectarine
-1 pound of green grapes
-3 limes
-1 0.5 zucchini (already grilled for consumption)
-half an onion
-8 2 tomaters


Also, my garmin is totally on the fritz. Boo! Lucky me that the Garmin Headquarters down the street!

How did you work out today?
Do you look forward to any kind of exercise?
What do you do when one of your gadgets is broken?


ash & diz said...

looking at your trail pictures made me have flash backs to my trail experience...

if my garmin was broke I think i'd steal my Mom's. lol. I'm a numbers freak, gotta know pace/mileage.

ran 6 miles outside... left too late. i'm sweating buckets right now. ugh.

Julia said...

ahhh! love trails...but not mud. haha. sounds like an intense run!!

i totally look forward to new places to run...I always feel like I have a great run in a new place because it is like a "new adventure"

HATED when my garmin was going crazy. They are so awesome about helping though and you are lucky to live so close to the headquarters. I finally realized you can update your software and that fixed all my problems...thankfully :) have a great day!

Leah: Not Otherwise Specified said...

Sounds like a great run! You and Goliath are always so adorable.

Yesterday I had a great session on my stationary bike. Today I had plans to run/walk, but I have a tootache so will probably bike again. Stupid tooth (it hurts whenever I walk...).

I absolutely look forward to exercise! I mostly look forward to cardio sessions that I get to watch TV to. My Nordic Track is broken right now, so I've had to adjust by skipping my NT workouts and spending more time on the bike.

Emily said...

I love looking forward to exercise, mainly because of the way it makes me feel afterwards!
It's too bad what you had in mind for your workout got interrupted by the mud. I'm not a fan of weather interrupted workouts. It cramps my style!! haha!

Julia said...

@Ash: I'm jealous of your run!!

@Juia: what kind of garmin do you have?? I think it'd a battery problem..I will look into updating the software tonight and attempting to get it fixed. I'm upset :(

@Leah: I'm sorry about your toothache that's the pits.

@Emily: me too!! Exercise makes me like I'm on top of the world!