Monday, October 10, 2011

All Night Long

Uhmmmmm.....holy poop....I AM STILL ALIVE!!!

When you are use to posting regularly, or at least attempt seems like FFOOREVERRRR when you miss a week.

Unfortunately, I don't have people chomping at the bit to be guest posters so the blog suffers.

I am not really sorry about not posting because my life is crazy. What I AM sorry about is not keeping up with YOUR blogs. I have to admit my reader is a monster right now, and it is totally overhwelming me. So I am just gonna give myself a mulligan, mark all as read...and start fresh. Sorry loves!

So what have I been up to??

Running 5ks with my BFFs
hmmm...I should do a recap on that!

Eating lots of food

Training for the KC Marathon

Playing at the dog park

Teaching Yoga

Planning Wellness sessions

Eating MOAR food

Winning Volleyball leagues

What have you been up to lately??


Manda Morris said...

MISSING THE CRAP OUT OF YOU! SO GLAD YOUR BACK! I so look forward to your blogs and I miss them dearly!!! Whats this "guest poster" about? I would LOVE to volunteer!!!!

I just finished a JACKED 5K for Prairie Fire, it was ran in downtown Wichita. And am currently training for a 8K at the end of the month! LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

What does MOAR stand for?

Nice recap :) now to update mine...

Julia said...

yeah! missed you on here! but definitely understand and often have to take mulligans myself ;) you have been busy!!