Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Give Me Hugs and Lots of Kisses

Guess what I did today?!?!

Did you say win the lottery?  Because, although a good guess is wrong.  I ran.

My sincere apologies for the lame-o photos, I took my camera with us out on the run and guess who forgot the memory card?  You're right, Goliath did.  Whattta dummie.

I thought about running all day, and prayed I got outta work early enough to see some daylight on my run.  Unfortunately, the sun was setting on my way home and by the time I geared up it was dark.  Goliath knew something was up the second I got home, and he ran circles around me, barked and stretched.  Which is something I should have done....hmpf.

I planned on testing the waters, but I intended on going for three solid miles.  With the new orthotics in toe, ha get it? pun INTENDED.  I prepared myself for the worst: excruciating pain, like at the marathon and hoped for the best: a pain-free-speedy-few miles. 

I got a hybrid.  My muscle memory was pretty solid, I expected to feel fatigue pretty early on and anticipated muscle failure.  Apparently, the cross training has kept my fitness pretty decent.  Unfortunately, my upper respirtory fitness was a whole 'notha story.  I am wheezy, probably from the cold, but man breathing was ROUGH.  Most importantly, my knee felt great until about a half mile in.  It hurts specifically more on the downhill, which is common for lower joint injuries, and the uphill was a breeze.  

For our first run back, we had pretty decent splits based on estimates because I didn't wear my garmin, as it hasn't been charged since...uhm...Chicago Half?  eek.

I can already tell I am going to have a little DOMs tomorrow, and

The husband and I went for our regular Wednesday sushi date, and I tried two new rolls:
Midnight Fantasy Roll, it's a mix of salmon and yellow tail with minced scallion
Alaskan Roll, salmon-avocado-cucumber in a rice wrapper

Food not pictured: Coffee, Chocolate Chip cliff bar, spinach salad with red peppers and banana peppers, apple and peanut butter

...and Today's Daily Picture:

Did you run today?
What is the hardest part of your workout?
What are some good gifts for runners?

This post brought to you by: "Yes"-LMFAO

Catching Up

So with my interned being out, and starting s new job updating this always...took a backseat.

Obviously things have been very busy, and it is about to get busier as I am going to run tonight and make my husband fix my Internet.

But here are just a few pictures from the last few days.

Frozen Yogurt with my lovies!

Spending lots of time at Home Depot doing home dishwasher went out, miserable!

The one home cooked meal this weeke has been home made boneless buffalo wings. So healthy....right?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hey friends!

My interwebs is down here at the casa so I can't make sweet updates. I need to just invest in a new modew and/or router so this doesn't keep happening.

How was your loooooonnngggg weekend??

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Oh, I Needed That

I heard something wonderful today: "I need you to run now."

'Scuze me Doc, nerbody needs to tell me that twice...not even once.  In fact, I am use to the "hey don't run for X weeks and then we will see."  Things are little different when you work with a team that has a goal, and the goal is not to treat symptoms but to get you back to running permanently.  

So once I heard that, there was some of this going on:
Booty Dancing
The Wave
Fist Pumpin

Why? My orthotics came in, and even though I dropped a cool $300 on them, I was told to break them over the next two days and then run.  In fact, Dr. Tony said I HAVE to run in the next 7-10 days.  I will ACE this homework.

Unfortunately, I was so hyped on this news that I didn't photograph much of anything else today.  Blogger fail. So here's  funny pictureS of Goliath.

Food not pictured:  ALL Egg and pepperjack cheese on a bagel thin, beef jerky, sweedish fish (a really wholesome lunch), ginger salad, assorted sushi

Today's Picture:

What's the longest you've been "benched"?
What is your go-to dance move?
Do you have a date night?

This post brought to you by: "Headlines"-Drake

...a few things...

o1. I added a new section called "Understanding The Bosky Blog"  please read it, includes important disclaimers.

o2. I am planning a super epic giveaway when we get to 200 followers.

o3. I will not be updating tomorrow

o4. Love you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Head on My Pillow

Being sick is super lame.

Getting sick over and over and over is super lame.  I left work early today because of a mega head cold and low grade fever that I so graciously caught from my husband.  Thanks babe, you are so generous.  I did however stay long enough at work to enjoy the work provided luncheon.

Fried chicken, heck yaaaaa....wouldn't miss that even if I had the plague.

Something else I wouldn't miss ever in a million years is picking up my sister from the airport.  You know the one, the one who left me all by me onsie in August to have her own adventure in Alabama.  While I am so excited she is off exploring and learning life on her own, I am SO STOKED she's back for a bit so we can be besties again.  We just have this bond that...well sisters do.
Like Drake says, Emily...youda best, youda youda best. 
My cuz Carie and I were super excited to venture to the airport, run through terminals, scoop her up and provide her with all the junk food in the world.  Why? Because that's what we do.  We bought all your junk food dreams and I don't even feel guilty.  Flamin' hot cheetos burn so good.
So no killer work out for me today due to me gnarly head and chest congestion.
Food not Pictured: Coffee, Greek yogurt, Beef stew(carrots, potatoes, peas and mushrooms), sourdough bread, brownie

In lieu of my daily photo, here's my lovies:

Why do I keep getting sick????
Does your work ever provide meals?
What is your favorite junk food?

This post brought to you by: "Lay it Down"- Lloyd

Monday, November 21, 2011

Girl, You Talk Too Much

It feels weird to not be training for anything.

Like seriously weird, and I have feeling my blog is a lot less interesting when I am not running....uhm, because this is a running blog, right?  Who wants to read a running blog sans the running?  I know I wouldn't.  

Miraculously I woke up this morning with no pain in my knee.  Amazing.  I wake up every morning and flex my knee, and test it out to scale the pain.  Today, I don't know what happened but it was like overnight my knee completely healed.  Well, that is until I took Goliath for a walk after work and at about mile one it started to get a tad achey.  We did a total of 1.5ish miles according to dailymile.

Our brief little jaunt was amazing.  It felt good to be out with the pup, and boy was he excited.  I got a little worried though that his leading me on leash during runs could be putting a lot of stress on my joints.  I am not going to think that way, I am going to be positive.  I think my POSITIVE attitude healed me knee over night.
Okay, so there's a difference between being positive and being delusional.
I made this amazing pasta dish tonight:  Shrimp and broccoli over whole wheat egg noodle and parmesan cheese.  ZzZomMgG!  Droolskis.

Here's how I made it: Steamed broccoli and shrimp together, prepared pasta, stirred together in a giant mixing bowl with lots of garlic, red pepper flakes, pepper and olive oil.  Tossed cheese on top.

Today's Food Not Pictured:  Greek yogurt, coffee, tortilla soup, rice, strawberry greek yogurt, fruit snacks

...and Today's Daily Picture:

Totally rockin' the sweats.
Are you currently training for anything?
Are you reading this?
How often do you wear sweat pants?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Like a Shadow

Have I ever told you how much I love the weekend?

I don't know what happened, but I have gone from having the busiest weekends ever to the most laid back care free weekends.  It definitely helps not having to work every weekend.  I love have time to get organized, relax and enjoy just being.  I am one of those people who ALWAYS has to be doing something, working, laundry, cooking, hanging out with people...something.  Logan and Goliath have really helped me to realize that part of enjoying life, is just enjoying not.  Taking the time to decompress and not think or do.  It feels good.

SATURDAY was a glorious day.  The weather was a marvelous 70 degree day.  The Urbans took to the dog park and then Chipotle.  I had a shameless chicken bol with everything my little heart desired, including guacamole.  I figured my intense cardio work out from earlier earned that extra calories.  

The night was FREEZING.  By midnight, it was 31 degrees while I sat by a bonfire and enjoyed the company of my friends who I adore.
SUNDAY even better.  Woke up and dig a personal yoga routine and some minor strength and ab training before I met SwellMary at the gym.  We were suppose to go to Spin but there weren't enough bikes and there were some snobby ladies, so I just left and we did our own bike  hill work out. The remainder of my day was leisurely laying around with Goliath, baking and preparing my meals for the week (I LOVE HAVING TIME TO DO THAT!!) and then a family dinner.  Brussel sprouts!

This next week is going to be fabulous.  

Which day do you prefer Saturday or Sunday?
Do you take time do nothing?
How do you plan your meals?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

Well, I have something special for you today!

Something us runners think about frequently is hydration and fueling our runs.  It is totally key.  I have run into dehydration issues more times than I can count.  But hydrating is more than just making sure you drink 8 oz of water for ever 20 minutes you sweat or whatever rule of thumb you follow.  AND it's especially hard this time of year when the weather is getting colder and you aren't reaching for an ice cold water to cool ya down.

So I wanted to share with you some tips sent to me via email on how to stay well-watered:

Hydration Tips from Crystal Light Pure Spokesperson Molly Kimball, RD

1.       Keep a Tally
During cold weather seasons, we may be at an increased risk for dehydration because it’s not hot out and we may not feel as thirsty, but can’t actually tell how hydrated we are by how thirsty we feel. For many of us, by the time we start to feel thirsty, we’re already dehydrated, but just how much water is enough when it comes to staying hydrated? Keep a running tally of how much fluid you’re getting and aim for half of your body weight in ounces of fluid per day, plus an extra 16 ounces for every pound of sweat lost during exercise.  If you’re really not in the mood for cold water, try leaving a pitcher of water out on the counter – allowing it to get to room temperature may make it easier to drink.

2.       Flavor Up to Drink Up
Want to drink water to stay hydrated, but hate the boring taste? Add the flavor you want and none of what you don’t by sipping on naturally sweetened Crystal Light Pure. It’s got no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives and is sweetened with sugar and Truvia, a natural sweetener derived from the stevia plant. It’ll give your water light, refreshing flavor with just 15 calories and 4 grams of sugar per serving. And the Grape and Strawberry Kiwi flavors have the added bonus of electrolytes!

3.       Don’t Forget about Food
Staying well-hydrated is essential for maintaining optimal energy levels, preventing muscle cramping and headaches. But that doesn’t mean you have to force down gallons of water or bottles of sugary sports drinks. Any type of alcohol-free beverage can count toward your fluid intake – and even some foods! Some of the top electrolyte-rich, hydrating foods include all types of fresh fruit, soups loaded with vegetables – even fall and winter foods like sweet potatoes and kale can provide much needed fluids.

4.       Watch the Caffeine
For years, the widely held belief was that caffeinated beverages were dehydrating. Research has proven otherwise, however.  The amount of caffeine typically found in standard servings of tea, coffee and soft drinks appears to have little diuretic effect. Meaning that these beverages don’t cause us to lose more fluid than they provide.  Drink a variety of beverages every day and remember all fluids, including those in foods you eat, contribute to daily water requirements.

I was fortunate enough to receive samples of some Crystal Light Pure from Kraft Foods to try for myself.  Honestly, I was kind of skeptical because since I quit diet sodas and all soft drinks I have steered clear of anything that might remotely trigger that desire.  The Pure product was surprisingly really good and I am SO HAPPY it does not have any fake sugars in it! YAY!  The artificial sweeteners are what typically drive me away from a product like this.  

I drank some after my work out today.  Intervals on the elliptical and then stair master repeats, it was HARD and I was fiercely thirsty when I got home.  I tried the strawberry-kiwi flavor and it really hit the spot.  Plus it has electrolytes. WIN!

Did ya know that women who drink Crystal Light drink 20% more water?  That's kind crazy.

How do you get your water in?
What is your favorite water add-in?
Have you tried Crystal Light Pure?

Disclaimer: The aforementioned review reflects my own opinions, Kraft Foods provided me with samples to review here on The Bosky Blog. The opinions above are my own and no one else' anyone could tell me what to do? Am I right?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Video Viernes: Your Questions Answered

How do you recovery?
How do you relieve stress?
How do you make your playlists?

Dance, Dance, Dance

There are few things in this world that buffalo wings can't solve.

Thursdays are my busiest day, so sorry for the late posting!  I was pooped when I finally got home last night and passed right out.  

Well let's see, yesterday I kind of had this epiphany that I am OVERLY negative.  Not just lately with the injury, but I am naturally cynical, prone to impatience and negativity.  So much of my energy is wasted getting worked up over silly things that don't matter, and I really don't think that kind of mindset is conducive to healing, or conducting a healthy-happy life.

So adding to my never-ending list of things I am trying to work on is: Cultivating a positive attitude.  It sounds pretty hip and like something I should already be doing.

Here's my daily picture, and my first though is UGH Why am I so short, but now I will just say YAY I am so short, being tall must be so burdensome, ducking into door ways and finding long pants:

These are my favorite heels, and I my knee is stable enough to wear 'em

My food today was nothing short of extraordinary:

Buffalo wings and a margarita for dinner

Not Pictured: Cheese egg sandwich, coffee, turkey chili, wheat thins, apple sauce, Greek yogurt blueberry

I did a HARD hill interval work out on the bike today.  It got me sweating fast and it felt so good.  The muscles on the bike next to mine kept looking over at my console and I could see him eyeing my calories burned, and in my mind I could see him speeding up trying to get his burn near mine.  The resistance is key bro, resistance bro.

How do you stay positive?
Blue cheese or Ranch dressing?
Do you love or hate hills?