Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Head on My Pillow

Being sick is super lame.

Getting sick over and over and over is super lame.  I left work early today because of a mega head cold and low grade fever that I so graciously caught from my husband.  Thanks babe, you are so generous.  I did however stay long enough at work to enjoy the work provided luncheon.

Fried chicken, heck yaaaaa....wouldn't miss that even if I had the plague.

Something else I wouldn't miss ever in a million years is picking up my sister from the airport.  You know the one, the one who left me all by me onsie in August to have her own adventure in Alabama.  While I am so excited she is off exploring and learning life on her own, I am SO STOKED she's back for a bit so we can be besties again.  We just have this bond that...well sisters do.
Like Drake says, Emily...youda best, youda youda best. 
My cuz Carie and I were super excited to venture to the airport, run through terminals, scoop her up and provide her with all the junk food in the world.  Why? Because that's what we do.  We bought all your junk food dreams and I don't even feel guilty.  Flamin' hot cheetos burn so good.
So no killer work out for me today due to me gnarly head and chest congestion.
Food not Pictured: Coffee, Greek yogurt, Beef stew(carrots, potatoes, peas and mushrooms), sourdough bread, brownie

In lieu of my daily photo, here's my lovies:

Why do I keep getting sick????
Does your work ever provide meals?
What is your favorite junk food?

This post brought to you by: "Lay it Down"- Lloyd


vanessarose said...

yay for your sister being home! Have fun!!

Cory Reese said...

Stop. You had me at Ding Dongs and Sweedish Fish.

Skinny[Party]Girl. said...

Cutie Pies! Your mommy's hair looks so cute!