Monday, December 19, 2011

You Got it Girl, There You Go

Hello Friends!!!!!!

Ahhh I am so excited to have enough time to breath, think and even update this little thing I call a blog!

Let me just say the past two weeks have been INSANE. Between starting a new job and finals, the transition, training and studying I was totally swamped.

By the end of it, I was exhausted and my fridge looked like this my laundry looked like this...
...and I found myself looking a lot like this most days...

Anyway, finals are over and I am getting acclimated to my new schedule but not for long because next semester I switch to night classes. So I apologize ahead of time for the weird hours I will be keeping come January.

Here's a quick update on Goliath and I, and then we jump right back in where we left off:
-Goliath is officially three years old, but still a puppy and next week we celebrate our three years of familyhood
-My knee was officially diagnosed with a torn medial meniscus.  I was depressed at first, but really the diagnosis didn't change anything, the treatment regime is still the same and I am still allowed to run in moderation and under my Sports Team's supervision
-My new position at work ROCKS! I lurrrv it and we are in the works of kicking off our 2012 wellness program with a bang
-I joined Weight Watchers again.  I figured that if my running wasn't going to as regular as it has been due to my knee injury, I needed something to keep my accountable.  I seriously can't deal with the scale guilt, and I seriously can't allow myself to get back to where I was three years ago.
-My sister is back in town!! WEEEE!!! Shannigans!!

So that's about it on my end, and now I leave you with pictures from yesterday's amazing run:
...and don't worry guys, I bought groceries and did my laundry.

How are you!?!?
Tell me three things about the last two weeks!
What's your favorite running setting: streets, treadmill, trail, other?

The Post Brought to You By: "Make Me Proud"-Drake feat. Nicki Minaj


Diana said...

I was worried your diagnosis might mean no running. While it sucks at least you know you'll get back there! Yay! And Happy 3rd Birthday to G!

Amanda Morris said...

I'm doing good, so ready to come and see you! MY FAVORITE! 3 Things: 1 - The boys successfully completed their first semester of school! 2 – Haven’t ran since OCTOBER, I am losing my mind and feel like a freak 3 - Owen asked his teacher if she was high. CLASSIC. Apparently her telling him that he had 3 hours of school left made him think she was ingesting some kind of hallucinogen.
I LOVE RUNNING THE TRACK - something about it, such a sense of accomplishment everytime I pass those stairs. BOOM 32 WHATS UP!