Yes, I have been ignoring this blog.
And I coullllldddd write out a huge long post about where the last year has gone, what I did with my life and why I stopped blogging but all you really need to know are the following three things:
1. Goliath still rocks, he's FOUR now which is basically like a FRICKIN Adult who can like make their own decisions, and stay up all night if they wanted to-but he doesn't because why? He still rocks. As in he still clocks 3 minute miles on his rest day, and likes to sleep till noon because he can. Don't let your jealousy overwhelm you.
2. I ran my 20th Half Marathon last Saturday at Rock The Parkway. So on to the next one right? RIGHT. I am running 50 by my 30th birthday son, so I gotta do work. That's at least SIX half marathons a year. So goals are cool right?
3. Wait what was the third thing? I totally forgot from the time I started the second paragraph to now. The point is, this blog is still about my awesome dog G who loves to run and the asthmatic he tugs for miles.
So where did I leave off?
Yesterday, was heavy leg day. So today has turned into a rest day, since me and my hoodrat Mary went so hard yesterday.
Let's see....weeee did:
1 Warm Up Squat Set of 135lbs x 10
Hack Squats 4 Sets of 10
UnASSissted Squats 5 Sets of 10, plus burn out
Wide Leg Sumo Squat 4 Sets of 10, plus burn out
Leg Press, Maxed at 200 lbs alternated between calf press and ham press 4 sets of 15/25
Hamstring Leg Extensions, 4 Sets of 15
Dynamic Weighted Lunges till burn out
All in All it was an hour work out that torched like 600 calories with zero cardio.
My butt hurts today. Mary and I walked around like stiff zombies whilst shopping today. My husband is tore up from his leg day, he makes awkward uncomfortable noises every time he moves. I mean I am still sore from back and biceps we did earlier, oh and shoulders...just everything really hurts. That's how you know it's working right?
Obviously, lifting is a pretty new routine to the bloggy-woggy. It's pretty new to me, I have been weight training with my girl Mary since the end of Feb, and it's been monstrous for my running. I really love shedding mileage time with pure strength and not spending hours doing speed training.
Also, it's a wonderful change of pace. I have a permanent love affair with long distance running but my body is beyond use to it-and if I am ever going to look in the mirror and not nit-pick this is the way I am going to get there.
I have been at my goal weight now for almost two years. That's weird to even type out, like is it still called goal weight when you have maintained for that long? I don't think I can when I set new goals. But the point is, it's been two years since I have felt like I have made forward progress, it's time to make PROGRESS.
About those goals, I am using new and old tools now-
I have ditched my trusty Weight Watchers, I will always love you-it just isn't right for me anymore. I eat far too much. My Fitness Pal has got me, even though I feel like it's really judgmental sometimes.
I am back on Nike+ because let's get real, who doesn't love hearing Tim Teabow congratulate you after a long run? My garmin is still getting lots of love though.
I am working out with my husband now. Well, we go to the gym together now. He works out with Beefy Bob, spouse of my wittle beefcake Mary. Yes, we all work out together. We are like this super power lifting family. It's obnoxious how cool we are, so don't even try to understand it.
That's about it for now, Goliath is telling me it's time for bed.
Even though I'm pretty sure no one truly follows this anymore, I am still gonna ask my post questions:
Do you EVEN lift? ;)
What's your favorite muscle group to train?
What are you favorite fitness tools?
This Post Was Brought to you by: "Ten Thousand Hours" By Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
Aww shucks! I'm so
Excited about your blog
And will
Remind you to
Cus I
Read it so
Welcome back!
Fitness tools? Dailymile and my fitbit. Lifting? Not nearly enough. I don't know what to do at the gym, so I lift at home with my Chalean Extreme DVDs (I also did P90X a few years ago). Basically? I need to be consistent! And welcome back to blog world!
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