Sunday, November 20, 2011

Like a Shadow

Have I ever told you how much I love the weekend?

I don't know what happened, but I have gone from having the busiest weekends ever to the most laid back care free weekends.  It definitely helps not having to work every weekend.  I love have time to get organized, relax and enjoy just being.  I am one of those people who ALWAYS has to be doing something, working, laundry, cooking, hanging out with people...something.  Logan and Goliath have really helped me to realize that part of enjoying life, is just enjoying not.  Taking the time to decompress and not think or do.  It feels good.

SATURDAY was a glorious day.  The weather was a marvelous 70 degree day.  The Urbans took to the dog park and then Chipotle.  I had a shameless chicken bol with everything my little heart desired, including guacamole.  I figured my intense cardio work out from earlier earned that extra calories.  

The night was FREEZING.  By midnight, it was 31 degrees while I sat by a bonfire and enjoyed the company of my friends who I adore.
SUNDAY even better.  Woke up and dig a personal yoga routine and some minor strength and ab training before I met SwellMary at the gym.  We were suppose to go to Spin but there weren't enough bikes and there were some snobby ladies, so I just left and we did our own bike  hill work out. The remainder of my day was leisurely laying around with Goliath, baking and preparing my meals for the week (I LOVE HAVING TIME TO DO THAT!!) and then a family dinner.  Brussel sprouts!

This next week is going to be fabulous.  

Which day do you prefer Saturday or Sunday?
Do you take time do nothing?
How do you plan your meals?

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I came over to your blog from you signing up for the virtual 5k and realized you are a follow KC girl!! Awesome, it was a beautiful weekend this week but freaking windy!! i lead a few group runs with the KCTC if you ever need a group run!