Tuesday, November 15, 2011

All On My Own

Work out tapes are kind of hilarious.

I bought a bunch of yoga DVDs to enhance my personal practice, and see if I could get fresher ideas to incorporate into my classes...but instead I got this:

What is this??  It's like an 80s step video with deep breathing.  The cover was totally deceptive.  I thought I was purchasing a hip and innovating yoga sculpt routine.  What I actually got was women in high waisted pants, taking deep breathes and and instructing me to do ballet moves.   Practice has definitely evolved.  I could barely get through 20 minutes of this non-sense.

My self-esteem is totally in the terlet without running.  I feel huge.  I feel sad.  I feel blah.  With that said, I am really trying hard to take time to make myself feel better.  Spending time getting ready and looking good is definitely helping.  I still feel like Shrek, but even a little lipstick on Shrek is an improvement.

While I can't run, I have decided to take a picture of myself every day to remind myself that: 
1) Darn it! I am kinda hott. 
2) I am more than my weight.
3) Running does not define who I am.
 I am really digging my new headband!

Focusing on my diet has been extremely easy since I have all the time in the world to do it.  I have my dinners planned and enough wherewithal to whip up breakfast and lunch in a healthy and quick manner.    
Breakfast Today was Italian scrambled eggs and whole grain toast....oh and of course, coffee.

Lunch, a genius left over idea. I tossed the rice and broccoli together, and stirred in a can of tuna.  Sounds weird and stinky but it was delicious.

All day though, I looked forward to dinner....see a pattern?  I had turkey chili simmering in my crock pot all day.  I made it EXTRA spicy.  It was oh-so-delicious and I am really excited about it for lunch.
Not Pictured: Peach Chobani, Pineapple, Shredded Coconut-chocolate thing I made up.

Now I leave you with adorable picture of Goliath:

Do you do any work out DVDs?
What effects your self-esteem?
What do you put in your chili?


Anonymous said...

Your dog IS cute. I often think I'm crazy because I'm too obsessed with my dogs. OMG - they're just too cute!


Julia said...

ahhhhhh! your pup is too adorable. i can totally relate to where you are coming from. back in March when I could not run...I felt like I couldn't remember who I was or what I enjoyed doing before I ran. It like consumed me and was all I could ever think about it. I obsessed over reading about running and eating well because I was terrified to gain weight, lose fitness, etc. I think you look gorgeous in your photos! and i think you have a great plan in action to keep you focused on what is important during this time!